Our DNAapps
We have over 40 DNAapps ready to enhance your core processing experience.
Automated Withholding Report
The Automated Withholding Report application is an updating application that allows a Financial Institution to evaluate and apply Federal Withholding to select eligible transactions processed via a previous batch posting application.
Batch Monitor
The Batch Monitor DNAapp is an online application that enables Financial Institutions to quickly and easily track and isolate batch application run-time performance, including trends and errors raised during the application runs.
CAA Supplemental Extracts for Weiland
The Commercial Account Analysis Supplemental Extracts is a DNAapp that consists of multiple non-updating batch applications that produce CSV extract files with supplemental data that works in conjunction with the CAA Commercial Analysis Extract (CAA_SUF_EXTRACT.sqt) which extracts the data to be used by Weiland’s Commercial Account Analysis (CAA) process to generate Account Analysis statements and calculate Account Analysis charges.
Ability to extract table data from DNA to a CSV file to import to the Weiland CAA system.
Supports both US and Canadian Financial Institutions on DNA.
“Soft code” batch parameters (where applicable) allow Financial Institution flexibility.
CIF Change Monitor
The CIF Change Monitor DNAapp is an online application that allows the User to proactively review and monitor person and organization CIF (Customer Information File) records that have had recent updates such as address changes, phone number changes, email address changes, and keyword/password changes.
CIP Verification
The CIP Verification DNAapp is an online real-time feature that allows the User to easily view AND add/maintain certain CIP information via a slide out function from multiple screens, including Deposit Account Maintenance, Relationship Profile and Transaction Express.
ClickSWITCH Integration
This DNAapp is a ClickSWITCH integration with the DNA core system. ClickSWITCH is a 3rd party system that enables Financial Institutions to help their new customers/members switch their incumbent/current ACH and recurring payments to the new Financial Institution as part of the onboarding process.
Co-Op Dashboard
This app allows financial institution to make a credit card payment, a cash advance, enroll or un-enroll the credit card in statements, and freeze or unfreeze a credit card from the new Co-op Dashboard screen within DNA.
Combined Fee Notice
The Combined Fee Notice application is a non-updating application that allows a financial institution to produce one notice per account that contains all fee transactions posted within a selected reporting period.
Compensating Balances for Business Loans
This DNAapp enables users to offer business customers preferred commercial loan rates based on their average deposit balances. It helps offset the cost of loans by encouraging borrowers to maintain higher balances in their linked deposit accounts while simultaneously giving institutions a way to generate additional interest income if the threshold is not met.
Compensating Balances Notice
The Program Notice batch application is designed to produce a notice whenever a rate change occurs to a loan account that is in the Compensating Balances program.
Contact Info Tracker
The Contact Information DNAapp is an online application that allows the User to proactively review and monitor person records that have missing contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses, along with being able to add and release warning flags for these records in real-time to help monitor these records that need attention.
CUETS to Everlink PIN Migration
AT_CUETSPANTOEVERLINK.SQT allows users to insert old CUETS PAN on the Everlink Card order file in an automated way and a report on it. Everlink can use this card order file to pull the PIN associated with the old CUETS PAN and link that to the new Everlink card order. In doing this the member can continue to use existing PIN they used with their CUETS card on the new Everlink card they receive.
Debit Card Fraud Finder
EFT team members can use this app to quickly research a reported fraudulent debit card use / breach for one or many cards, and not only identify where else the card(s) were used, but also check if other cards in the portfolio were used at the same merchant locations.
Debit Card Network Reconciliation
This program will provide reports which will enable the user to reconcile debit card transactions appearing in DNA with those reported by Fiserv services.
The DNA OFAC Search app downloads the federal lists and does a fuzzy search on the names and aliases found in those lists. Having the search app built into DNA allows for an easy way for end user to quickly and efficiently search for potential blocked individuals or businesses without having to resort to third party options or back office processes.
DNA Test Optimizer
The DNA Test Optimizer application allows the Financial Institution to retrieve test data quickly and dynamically for pre-defined conditions.
Document Request Enhancement
The Document Request app is an enhancement to the existing DNA document request functionality and allows the Financial Institution to combine multiple document types, as a request for outstanding items into a single notice.
Documents Quick Access
This App provides quick access to the documents (WMF Forms) associated with an account through the online print page. The menu item Documents is added to the Accounts and Credit Card tabs within the Relationship Profile. When an account is selected and the menu item is clicked on, it will take you to the online print page. The account you selected will be the active account in the online print page and all documents associated with that account will appear in the selection box.
eAgreement Disclaimer Flag Tool
The E-Agreement Disclaimer Flag Reset DNAapp allows users to mass reset the e-agreement disclaimer flags for a specific access type in DNA . This application displays the number of e-agreement disclaimers status for the selected access type before and after processing the reset request.
Employee Activity Monitor Screen
Employee Activity Monitor Screen is a robust DNAapp that enables users to monitor, review, and approve/reject user-defined categorization of employee activities. This application displays maintenance activities that have occurred based upon user defined criteria such as Status, Group and Categories, date range and employees designated to that group.
Employee Permission Extract
The Employee Permission Extract DNAapp allows a Financial Institution to extract authorization and SAF user data in CSV format to be analyzed by Sycorr’s Permission Assist application.
Enhanced Collateral Search
The Enhanced Collateral Search DNAapp will allow the user to obtain a snapshot of all collateral under a Person, Organization or Account
Enhanced Late Charge Notice
The Enhanced Late Charge Notice is designed to produce a notice, at any given point in time at the request of a financial institution, to be sent to the borrower to inform them of their outstanding late charge balance due in an effort to collect the late charges as soon as possible.
Experian Commercial Loan File
The Experian Commercial Loan File is a batch application that allows a financial institution to produce an extract file that contains pertinent commercial loan data that can then be sent to the Experian credit reporting agency.
Expiring ID Tracker
The Expiring ID Tracker is an online application that allows the User to proactively review and monitor person records that have expired or missing expiration dates, along with being able to add and release warning flags for these records in real-time.
Loan Extracts for Participate
The Loan Extracts for Participate DNAapp provides transaction, rate and organization data that is loaded into the Participate system for processing.
Loan Fee Calculator
The new Fee Calculation screen allows the User to view the Borrower s loan and collateral information in order to assess a fee, while also giving the flexibility to choose what values will be included in the fee calculation and how the fee will be calculated.
MAD Retirement Update
The Update MAD Amount DNAapp allows users to override the system calculated minimum amount on Retirement Plan Maintenance screen to a custom amount.
Mailing Label Printing
Quickly print one or more mailing labels using the actively selected person or organization s address or for all persons or organizations associated with an account
Member Card Wizard
This DNAapp creates a new Wizard in DNA that guides users through the process of creating/issuing regular and starter card agreements for a single person or organization in a step-by-step fashion. This DNAapp will only work for Canadian clients.
Membership Closeout
The Membership Closeout application is a comprehensive solution that enables a Financial Institution to better accommodate Membership closeout requests by providing a review hub and work process approach to both see the current status of the departing Member s accounts and services with the Financial Institution and adds action tabs to help close out or remove services as needed. This ensures the relationship is cleanly closed out in an organized and efficient manner.
Missing ID Tracker
The Missing Identification DNAapp is an online application that allows the User to proactively review and monitor person records that have missing identification designated by the financial institution, along with being able to add and release warning flags for these records in real-time to help monitor these records that need attention.
New Loan Accounts Extract
The New Loan Accounts Extract application provides the financial institution with several operational efficiencies It allows the financial institution to produce a simple extract that contains information required to send new account letters for loans originated within a selected reporting period; it includes additional fields not available within the standard new loan notices. This extract file can be processed by the client or sent to a third-party vendor to be printed.
Participation Summary Screen
The Participation Summary application is designed to allow a Financial Institution to view a loan with multiple participation agreements on a single screen. The Participation Summary screen will list the information regarding the Borrower s loan and will also consolidate the information on all participants attached to the loan and display any remaining balance that could be sold to another Investor or Financial Institution
Person Occupation Classification
The Person Occupation DNAapp allows users to search and select correct National Occupation Classification (NOC) code and job title for their members.
Quick Access Panel
The Quick Access Panel DNAapp allows users to launch screens from a slide out available at a central location (Edit Person / Edit Organization / Relationship Profile).
Relationship Extracts For ASAPP
The Relationship Management Extracts application is designed for a Canadian Financial Institution to provide CIF, transaction, and additional data that is loaded into the ASAPP Financial Technology system for processing and analysis.
Relationship Extracts for Enteract
The Relationship Extracts for Enteract DNAapp is a comprehensive set of reporting batch applications that collectively produce hundreds of possible data fields/points intended to be loaded into and utilized for the Enteract from Fiserv customer relationship management (CRM) system.
Relationship Rewards Program
The Relationship Rate Rewards Program DNAapp allows the Financial Institution a flexible way to provide qualified accounts higher interest rate thus rewarding the customer/member for their relationship with the Financial Institution.
Relationship Team View
This DNAapp displays user field values for the Tax Reported for Owner of the Account, limited to the user fields listed in the User Field section. This new screen can
be accessed from the relationship profile screen.
Retirement Plan Annual Summary Screen
The Retirement Inquiry Additional Information Screen DNAapp creates a new screen in DNA that allows users to view historical data on Retirement Accounts, such as Balances, Contributions and Distributions for prior years. The app can display up to 7 years worth of historical data from the current date, and all balances will be as of December 31 in the selected years.
Security Information Watch
The Security Information DNAapp is an online application that allows the User to proactively review and monitor person records that have missing key security information, such as keywords, tax identification numbers, and birthdates, along with being able to add and release warning flags for these records in real-time to help monitor these records that need attention.
Social Media Contact Info
The Social Media Contact Info DNAapp allows users to capture social media username of their members.
Sphere of Influence Extract
This is a non-updating, batch application that produces an extract file that contains pertinent business information that can be imported into the Sphere of Influence application by Prometheus Financial Solutions LLC
Statement Configurator
The Statement Configurator DNAapp allows users to accomplish the following:
1. Mirror the Statement Delivery Indicator (STDI) from product (minor) to all the associated accounts.
2. Mirror the Statement Delivery Indicator (STDI), Images per page (IMPP) variable, Print Image Front/Back (PIFB) variable and statement cycle date from primary account to all the linked secondary accounts.
TE Account Status Alert
The TE Account Status Alert DNAapp pop-up an alert message on the Transaction Express screen if the owner of the selected account has a delinquent loan account(s) or an overdraft (OD) on a chequing account(s).
Transaction Exception Details
The Transaction Exception Details application is an online application with a single new screen that allows the User to obtain an in-depth review of each transaction exception over a designated period of time.
Transaction Exception Trends
This DNAapp an online application with a single new screen that allows the user to obtain an online snapshot of historical exception tracking with several filtering options, including by Financial Institution, Branch, Employee, and Overriding Employee, over a period of time designated by the User.
Unapplied Loan Balance Notice
The Unapplied Balance Notice informs the borrower that a partial payment has not been applied to the loan account balances (interest, principal, etc.) and instead has been applied to the unapplied balance on the loan account.
User Field Update
The User Field Update DNAapp allows users to update a user defined field for multiple accounts/persons/organizations at once.